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Are you multiplying your gifts, talents and opportunities or burying them?

Writer: Nerissa MalloyNerissa Malloy

I read some thought provoking words in my quiet time this morning:

“The beauty of the gift of entrepreneurship lies in the responsibility to honor God by being fruitful and respectful of all the resources He’s giving you”.

So……Just like the story in Matthew about the three men and their bags of gold….Are you multiplying or burying the resources God has given you to be fruitful ???

If you read the story in Matthew 25:14-30, three servants were entrusted with bags of gold while their Master went away. Upon his return he asked what did they do with it. Two of the servants doubled their bags, and the third was afraid to lose it so he buried it to keep it safe upon his master’s return. The Master was so upset with the one that buried the gold that he called him lazy and banished him into darkness. One of my favorite verses is “Faithful over few will make you in charge (ruler) over many”. There are millions of people out there awaiting the gifts, talents or opportunities that you possess. This is the key to that richly abundant life that you seek but…….you’re afraid to find them and bless them. They are out there and they are waiting for you to rescue them. Will you multiply what you have or bury them? When you reach the gates of heaven Im sure you want to hear ” Well done my good and faithful servant”. Here are three things you should do to evaluate yourself and get moving towards multiplying your gifts:

  1. LIST– Make a list of all the the things your good at. You possess way more that you give yourself credit for. Take about 10 min a day over the next 5 days and compile a list. You’ll be amazed!

  2. REFLECT– When your list is completed, take a moment to reflect on your list and recognize the talents, gifts and opportunities you do possess. Give yourself credit. You owe it to yourself to live a well fulfilled life so it’s time to do just that. Now think about who will benefit most from your talents and opportunities and how you can serve them.

  3. ACT– Take Action!! You don’t want to go through life feeling like you have wasted so much of it. You still have some time but remember tomorrow isn’t promised so don’t procrastinate. Go out and use those talents and opportunities, whether it be serving in a ministry, working on getting your business up and running, volunteering at your child, niece or nephew’s girl/boy scouts, helping your elderly neighbor landscape their lawn or sharing some of your business products at a local event, whatever it is, It’s time to start multiplying and stop burying your gifts, talents and opportunities.

What is the one thing you can do today to make sure that you aren’t burying your talents, gifts or opportunities?

Comment below! Would love to hear from you.

Until Next time, Nerissa



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