Hi Ladies!
Have you fallen off track from your 2018 goals?
If you are looking to regain clarity, a clear direction, and an overall new perspective on your goals for 2018 then this is where you need to be.
We will help to reinforce why you need a strong spiritual life, provide some business building resources and educate you on the importance of financial health.
We will touch on 4 key areas which all determine a successful course of action: –
Success Mindset ( Winning the Battle in Your Mind)
Spiritual Fitness ( Manifest your Life)
Business/ Dream Building Basics (Free Money)
Financial Health (Legacy is Everything)
We look forward to having you join us on March 17th here in Washington DC as we help you to get back on track with your 2018 goals. We realize this event will be just what some of our good sister friends need in order to WIN not only in 2nd quarter of this year but for the balance of 2018.
Get your tickets now….this will be small, intimate and impactful.
Share with a friend!!
Until Next Time